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Lawn Doctor of Wilmington & Brunswick County

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Lawn Doctor of Wilmington & Brunswick County

Maintaining the Health & Beauty of Your Lawn

As a homeowner you certainly want to keep up a great appearance of your lawn and landscaping. Lawn Doctor can help with most all aspects of responsible lawn care and offer the following services:

Lawn Fertilization , Weed Control and Assessments

Tree and Shrubbery Fertilization and Insect/Disease Control

Mosquito Control

Like any menu, you choose only those services required to fit your needs. Our goals are the same when it comes to protecting your landscape investment and maintaining a beautiful lawn. Call or email us today for a FREE evaluation. You see our professionals in your community most every day. We’d love to meet you soon.

Contact Information

1093 Southport Supply Road, Bolivia, NC
Contact Name
Susan McGee, Owner
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